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Train with the most accomplished coaches, with 10+ years of experience in an exquisite venue while making timeless friendships all under the same roof! 

FightX in a Nutshell,

We are dedicated to making a positive difference in your life. Since 2015, We’ve been bringing together the honourable traditions of martial arts with innovative teaching methods to inspire our students. Whether you are new to martial arts or an experienced student, FightX will propel you to new levels of skill and fitness. 

Jiu Jitsu,

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a grappling-based martial art, competition sport and killer workout focused on taking down, controlling, and submitting your opponent. Jiu jitsu teaches you to effectively control others and defend yourself without taking damaging strikes.  

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Muay Thai,

Muay Thai is a fast paced combat sport that teaches a complete stand-up system of punches, elbows, knees, kicks and clinch techniques. Muay Thai teaches you the skills and builds the cardio to effectively break down an opponent physically and mentally.

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Book your trial class,

Start your journey with a free trial class. Fill out this quick and easy form to schedule your first class and see all that FightX has to offer you. No risk, just reward.  

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